Dimitrov & Lasky Astro Poets

Last updated: October 13, 2023

This zodiac book is written in the Astro Poets’ unique style which is both practical and humorous. It can help you better understand and navigate relationships, friendships, careers and other important aspects of your life.

We looked at the top Zodiac Books and dug through the reviews from some of the most popular review sites. Through this analysis, we've determined the best Zodiac Book you should buy.

Product Details

Key Takeaway: This zodiac book is full of advice for every zodiac sign.

In our analysis, the Dimitrov & Lasky Dimitrov & Lasky Astro Poets placed 4th when we looked at the top 10 products in the category. For the full ranking, see below.

From The Manufacturer

Full of insight, advice and humor for every sign in the zodiac, the Astro Poets’ unique brand of astrological flavor has made them Twitter sensations. Their long-awaited first book is in the grand tradition of Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs, but made for the world we live in today. In these pages the Astro Poets help you see what’s written in the stars and use it to navigate your friendships, your career, and your very complicated love life. If you’ve ever wondered why your Gemini friend won’t let you get a word in edge-wise at drinks, you’ve come to the right place. When will that Scorpio texting “u up?” at 2AM finally take the next step in your relationship? (Hint: they won’t). Both the perfect introduction to the twelve signs for the astrological novice, and a resource to return to for those who already know why their Cancer boyfriend cries during commercials but need help with their new whacky Libra boss, this is the astrology book must-have for the twenty-first century and beyond.

View our Zodiac Book buying guide for in-depth advice and recommendations.

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