Student loans are an unpleasant business, and often a significant barrier to entry for people who want to get a degree. But one coding school will actually pay YOU to attend—not the other way around. Oh, and students are guaranteed a job upon graduation. Are you ready to enroll yet?
The company behind these coding classes is called Revature, and it’s based in Virginia. They set up classrooms at college campuses all around the country and recruit graduates for a free, 40-hour-per-week course in skills like Java and data management. The course lasts for 12 weeks and the students receive minimum wage during the hours they spend in class.
In exchange for this free course, graduates have to commit to working at Revature for two years. The annual salary can be anywhere between $50,000 to $65,000. Revature sends grads out to work as contracted software engineers at places like banks, health insurers, retailers and elsewhere. Sound like a sweet deal yet?
According to Joe Vacca, the chief marketing officer for Revature, the company isn’t worried about finding new students who are willing to commit for two years. “Because of the pressure on immigration, more companies are looking at how to hire U.S. citizens,” he told TIME Money.
While Revature isn’t the only coding school for aspiring programmers, many of its rivals charge astronomical tuition fees and offer no guarantees for job prospects. Revature offers an alternative to increasing student debt while simultaneously funding higher education, a win all around.
Revature has set up coding schools at Arizona State University and Queens College in New York since last November. The company says they plan to start similar programs at the University of Missouri this June and at George Mason University in Virginia later in 2017. Revature says it is currently paying at least 150 students to take these coding classes, and hopes to double their numbers within a year. Are you ready to sign up?