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The Best Foot Pumice

Last updated on August 14, 2024
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Our Picks For The Top Foot Pumices

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Product Overview
Key Takeaway
 Top Pick

MARYTON Smoothening Callus & Foot Pumice, 4-Pack

Don't Waste Your Money Seal of Approval


Smoothening Callus & Foot Pumice, 4-Pack

This lightweight foot pumice has a smoother side and a rougher side to let you customize the level of care. You'll get four in a pack, and this brand requires use only when your feet are wet. These stones aren't limited to using on your feet. You can use them all over the body, including on hands and elbows.

Overall Take

For Wet FeetThis four-set of stones can only be used on wet skin, so it's best for those who prefer to use their foot pumice stone immediately after showering.

 Runner Up

Borogo Healing Mini Foot Pumice, 2-Pack


Healing Mini Foot Pumice, 2-Pack

Made from lava, this natural foot pumice set is perfect for treating calluses and exfoliating skin. The set includes two stones, each of which has a built-in rope ring for hanging. You can even get the stones in a variety of fun colors, including blue, red, green and white.

Overall Take

Essential Hygiene ToolThis foot pumice works well as a stocking stuffer or as part of a wellness basket.

 Strong Contender

CAREHOOD Spa Dry Skin Removing Foot Pumice


Spa Dry Skin Removing Foot Pumice

This foot pumice is all you need for the perfect pedicure. Although it's just one tool, it's outfitted with the following four functions: pumice stone, stainless steel foot file, foot buffer and a cleaning brush. Dry skin, calluses and corns are no match for this must-have hygiene tool.

Overall Take

Multiple Color OptionsYou'll find this foot pumice comes in a choice of gray or red.

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Asqraqo Ergonomic Natural Stone Foot Pumice


Ergonomic Natural Stone Foot Pumice

Exfoliate your skin or remove calluses naturally with this foot pumice set. Each package contains two pumice stones with built-in rope rings for hanging. Using the stone is a breeze, as all you need to do is soak your feet for a few minutes and then rub the stone over your skin using a circular motion.

Overall Take

Budget-Friendly PickThis economically priced foot pumice makes for a perfect stocking stuffer.

Buying Guide

Your feet can suffer quite a bit of abuse. If you exercise, work on your feet or just stand for long periods of time, you’ll likely find yourself looking for relief.

Simplemost Media

But you don’t have to log serious time in an upright position to build callouses and rough skin. A callous forms when friction or pressure is regularly applied to a certain area of the body. Your feet definitely fit the bill in that area, but they aren’t the only area that can build up callouses.

Simplemost Media

Callouses are only one of many issues your skin can suffer. If you find you develop dry patches, you may feel a need to repair them. Moisturizing lotions can help, but they won’t completely get rid of the problem, and they won’t remove callouses quickly.

Experts often turn to something called a pumice stone. This natural abrasive sloughs off dead skin, allowing the healthy skin beneath it to emerge. You’ll get a softer, more supple appearance and, most importantly, you won’t experience discomfort when you’re standing or wearing clothing and shoes.

Simplemost Media

Before you use a pumice stone, you’ll need to soak it in warm water for a while to soften the skin. This can help prevent injury to the skin due to coming into contact with the rough surface. You should also apply only light pressure, rubbing the area gently. This means you’ll need the patience to accept gradual results, rather than seeing an overnight improvement.

Simplemost Media

You’ll find, though, that there are multiple types of pumice stones. Some are more sponge-like in appearance and texture, while others are actual stones. Many of today’s pumice product manufacturers also create a two-in-one item that lets you choose the level of treatment, with one side being much rougher than the other. As long as you follow the instructions, you should be able to enjoy safe, effective treatment for your skin issues.

What to Look For

  • Pumice stones aren’t safe for everyone. If you have diabetes, thin skin, poor circulation or foot numbness, avoid using one. You should also skip pumicing if you are on medication that can thin your blood.
  • After each use, you’ll need to thoroughly rinse your pumice stone, then set it out to dry. Otherwise, it can build up bacteria that will be dangerous for your skin. Occasionally, drop it in a pot of boiling water for at least five minutes then air dry. This will give it a deep cleaning.
  • Some pumice stones come with a rope for leaving it on a hook. Avoid hanging it in the shower, where it will be exposed to moisture that could lead to bacteria. Instead, hang it in a dry, moisture-free part of the house.
  • Although pumice stones will often last for years, it’s best to replace them at least every couple of months. Regularly inspect your pumice stone for signs of cracking or wear. If it is starting to lose its edge, you won’t be getting the results you want.
  • Your skin should be wet when you use your pumice stone. For feet, soaking them in a bathtub or bowl of warm water can take care of this. If you’re using it on an area like an elbow, the shower may be the best location.
  • Your pumice stone should also be wet before you use it. Soak it in warm water for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Never use a dry pumice stone.
  • If you ever feel pain or soreness while you’re massaging an area with the pumice stone, stop immediately.
  • While you’re working, rinse off your pumice stone regularly to keep it clean.
  • You can use a pumice stone every day if you find it necessary but monitor the areas you’re using it on closely to look for signs of irritation.

More to Explore

Pumice starts as lava. After escaping a volcano, some types of lava begin to take on a frothy texture as gas bubbles escape from it. As that frothy lava cools and hardens, it becomes a rock that displays those gas bubbles on its surface.

Skin softening isn’t the only use for this type of rock. You’ll find it in concrete block and concrete, as well as rubber erasers, potting soil and insulation. It’s even used to stonewash jeans. But the use of it for personal care dates back thousands of years. In addition to its current popularity as an exfoliant, historically, its powder form has been used to whiten teeth and in cosmetics.

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