These scammers tried to use counterfeit money at Victoria’s Secret and failed

In today’s episode of “World’s Dumbest Criminals,” two scammers bought nearly $800 worth of merchandise at a Victoria’s Secret with counterfeit bills…and then, upon trying to return the clothing, got their own fake money back.

The scamming couple had used fake $100 and $50 bills to buy the clothing at a Fairfield, Connecticut location early in the day. They returned to the store around 4 p.m. that afternoon in an attempt to return their purchases and get real cash back. Unfortunately for the scammers, the Victoria’s Secret employee didn’t have $780 in cash in the drawer, and could only give the thieves a $350 return. And that $350 was comprised of the counterfeit bills the couple had used earlier.

According to the police report filed, one of the scammers looked at the bills and said, “These are fake.”  When the Victoria’s Secret employee said she would call the police, the scamming couple left the store in a hurry.

Police are investigating the incident and confiscated the counterfeit money as evidence. There is no word on what happened to the couple who attempted the scam.

Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time Victoria’s Secret has been the victim of a counterfeit money scam. Earlier this year, two men in Burlington, Vermont attempted to use fake money to buy $700 worth of sexy lingerie at the Burlington Mall location. One of the lingerie-buyers was apprehended, and police say they recovered $1,270 in counterfeit money and $848.37 worth of merchandise from the man. His accomplice escaped, however, presumably with the rest of the underwear.

Getty Images | Dimitrios Kambouris

If nothing else, this is an excellent lesson that illustrates exactly why crime doesn’t pay…and how poorly planned crime just makes you look like an idiot.

Hopefully, these scammers will learn from their mistakes (or at the very least, get better at being scammers).

[h/t: Consumerist]

About the Author

Jessica Suss

An aspiring food and health writer, native Chicagoan, and nut butter enthusiast. Jessica is also the creator of BiteMeBlog, but don't call her a foodie More.

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